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dance at the court of Louis XIV of France.

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Who was the woman who wrote the first poetry book in England 1650?

anne Bradstreet anne Bradstreet

Author who encouraged women to write books?

art acadimists writers actresses cartoonists and colorers

Where was ballet invented?

Ballet wasn't really invented in one place... what we know as ballet today was developed over a period of hundreds of years from a combination of social dancing and theatrical performance in various parts of Western Europe. But in France, under Louis XIV (around 1650 to 1715) , it got a big boost as the king was a fan and practitioner of ballet.

Who played the female roles in William Shakespeare's day and why?

After 1650 the female roles were played by women. Before that, and rarely since, boys played the women's parts. More recently it is common to find women playing the men's parts (Shakespeare wrote more parts for men than for women mainly due to the shortage of competent boy actors). It wasn't so much that females were discriminated against or thought not as important. Women were not allowed to act because it was considered to be indecent for a woman to show herself before a group of men. After 1650, women appeared on stage, but they were still thought of as indecent women.

How did people wear their hair in Shakespeare's time?

The easiest way to find this out is to look at pictures of people from that time. You can Google images of people of the era. Or you can check out the really excellent Wikipedia articles "1550-1600 in fashion" and "1600-1650 in fashion". Shakespeare, of course wore his hair with great difficulty on account of being bald.

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