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Q: The people that paid one penny to watch the plays were nicknamed?
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Related questions

Who watched Shakespeare's plays?

Almost everyone in Shakespeare's day who lived in or around London watched his plays. The only exceptions were those people who were so poor that they could not afford the one penny admission, and those people who thought that God hated people enjoying themselves (the Puritans).

Where did people go to watch plays?

It depends where and when you are talking about

What was the pit in the Globe Theater?

the pit was the bottom of the theater(in the center of the theater) where the poor people would stand to watch the plays.

What was the name given to the people who paid one penny to see a play in the Globe Theatre?

They were called groundlings. They used to stand on the ground for hours to watch the plays. They never went to the toilet either, because there weren't any.

What did people watch in the 16th Century?

They liked to watch plays in the theatre. It was the time of William Shakespeare so plays were especially popular. William was around between 15th-16th century... People use tothrow veg at people in bad plays

What do you call a place where people watch plays?

your mom's house

Who went to watch Shakespeares plays and where did they sit?

People of all classes could go and see Shakespeare plays. Poor people couls pay just 1 penny and would stand on the ground throughout the entire play and was known as 'groundlings' or 'penny stinkers'. Middle class could pay 2 pennies and they would sit on covered benches, and rich people could pay 3 pennie's and would sit on higher tiers, or to the side by the 'lord chambers'.

What was the reason The Globe was built?

so people could watch plays, in that time TVs WERNT invented yet SO people went to see plays, it was entertainment, now that there are tv more people watch films wasteman

Why do people go to the cinema?

People go to the cinema to watch the movies and plays that are being shown

What kind of people watch Shakespeare's plays?

All sorts of people all over the world.

What were the people called who stood to watch the plays in the global theater?

They were called groundlings

What are the people called that stand in the yard to watch the plays at the Globe theater?
