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Said the shark to the flying fish over the phone, 'will you join me tonight'? i am dining alone, let me order a nice little dinner for two and come as you are in your shimmering blue, said the flying fish 'fancy remembered me and the dress that i wore at the porpos's tea', how can i forget said the shark in his (gile), i expect you at eight and ran off with a smile, she has powder her nose, she has put on her things she is off with one flap of her luminois wings, (lovely light hearted and vain) the moon will not shine on her beauty again.

Hope this helps... not so sure about the word and sentence in bracket

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Q: The poem said the shark to the flying fish over the phone....... Does anyone know the rest of this very old poem?
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What is the meaning of the poem the Flattered Flying Fish?

Read the poem, and imagine that it's a man speaking to a beautiful woman. The poem is a warning not to be vain in your beauty. It is also an encouragement to be aware and wary of flatters/sharks, who might seduce us to heartache or our deaths by telling us what we want to hear. Said the shark to the flying fish over the phone "Will you meet me tonight, I'm dining alone. I've ordered a nice little dinner for two so come as you are in your shimmering blue. Said the flying fish fancy remembering me in the dress that I wore at the porpoises tea. How could I forget said the shark in his guile, I'll meet you at eight and rang off with a smile. So she powdered her nose and tidied her fins and was off with the flip of her luminous wings. O pretty one lovely one light hearted and vain, the moon will not shine on your beauty again.

Does anyone know of any good riddles please tell me the answers as well?

1.Two fathers and two sons go fishing at a lake. In the lake there are only three fish and each person had a fish when they left the lake. How is this possible. There is a grandfather a father and a son. The father is both a father and a son. I never said there were four people!

There's a fish and a box you put the fish in the box where is the fish?

There isn't one! Thats the answer!

What is the answer to the riddle who owns the fish?

I own the fish.

What do you call a fish with four eyes?

Four eyed fish............... There is really a fish on that name.

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white-tip are eaten by flying fish

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Turtles,Basking Shark,Flying fish,Horses,Jellyfish lots more

What marine animals start with F?

The frilled shark is a marine animal. Other fish include flounder and flying fish.

Is shark a reptile?

No, the shark is a fish

Shark is to fish dolphin is to?

Shark is to fish dolphin is to mammal.

Has the shovelnose shark ever attacked anyone?

No they haven't, their teeth are maulers to crush crustaceans and small fish.

Is a basking shark a shark?

Yes it is. It's the worlds second largest fish. (A shark is a fish by the way). The worlds largest fish is also a shark, the whale shark. From the shark expert girl.

What is the answer to the analogy shark is to whale as fish is to?

shark is to whale as fish is to

Are whale sharks a fish or a mammal?

The whale shark is the largest living shark, therefore, the largest fish.

Is a shark a mammal or reptile?

No. It is a fish as it has gills. Sharks are fish. The Whale Shark is a fish, but Whales are mammals.