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Q: The top level of the directory structure is called?
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Related questions

How is Topmost directory in unix represented?

Directory tree structure in Unix always starts at the top node, or "root" node. It contains all of the major level subdirectories underneath it. The root directory is called "/" (root).

What is the name of the Linux top level directory of the file system?

The /, or root directory.

What is the name of the root or top level entry in an LDAP directory?

The DSE (DSA Specific Entry) is the root, or top-level, entry in an LDAP directory.

Can there be more that one root directory in the UNIX file system?

No, because the root is the very top of the directory structure. It has to be unique.

The top level of the file system is known as the?

root directory

What is Vertical Chart?

The vertical structure of an organizational chart is also called tall structure. This structure has CEO to make top decisions to be delegated to managers in the lower level.

What directory of the hard disk is for system files and folders only?


What is vertical Organization Chart?

The vertical structure of an organizational chart is also called tall structure. This structure has CEO to make top decisions to be delegated to managers in the lower level.

What is top-down structure?

Designing or analyzing something starting from its directly observable components (top level) progressively downward in increasing detail to the smallest/hidden components (bottom level) that actually make the structure function. Sometimes called a system decomposition. The opposite is bottom-up structure.

What is a multi-level directory system?

A directory is a logical grouping of files. By maintaining several directories the file manager can permit the same file name to be used in separate directories to refer to independent copies of the same file or completely different files. The contents of a directory - a list of file names and their associated information - are stored in a special file called a directory file which is assigned a file name which distinguishes it from non-directory files. By allowing directory file names to appear alongside non-directory file names in a directory, the file manager is able to link separate directories hierarchically as shown in figure 1. The directory at the top of the structure is given the special name, ROOT because the hierarchical structure resembles an upside-down tree. The directories below the root directory are known as subdirectories. by earnie

What is top level of groundwater in an aquifer called?

The top level of groundwater in an aquifer is called the water table.

What is the top level of ground water called?

The top level of ground water is called the Water Table.