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That he was a good King

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Q: What action of Duncan's upsets Macbeth?
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Who is responsible for king duncans murder?

Macbeth, yet guards were framed and Lady Macbeth was the plotter!

Was it duncans son who killed Macbeth?

Malcolm (Duncan's son) did not kill Macbeth, it was Macduff (Thane of Fife).

Who upsets Macbeth so much at his banquet?


What actions of Duncan's upsets Macbeth?

That he was a good King

Macbeth learns about Lady Macbeth's death after the audience does. What literary technique does Shakespeare use by doing this?

Tension -Apex

What happens to Duncans guards?

Lady Macbeth gets them drunk, then frames them for the murder of Duncan.

What does lady Macbeth plan to do the night of king duncans death to help Macbeth kill him?

she gets the guards drunk so that they pass out allowing Macbeth to kill duncan.

What was king duncans murder weapon?

In the play "Macbeth" by William Shakespeare, King Duncan was murdered by Macbeth using a dagger.

What is does lennox think about Macbeth fleance and duncans sons?

He thinks that Macbeth is a "good guy", Fleance killed Banquo and Duncan's sons killed the king.

What actions of Ducans upsets Macbeth?

Duncan's decision to name his son, Malcolm, as his heir instead of Macbeth, and his decision to stay at Macbeth's castle without informing him both upset Macbeth.

What do duncans kids do after Macbeth kills duncan?

They skip town. Malcolm goes to England and Donalbain goes to Ireland.

What does Macbeth compare duncans murder to?

Macbeth compares Duncan's murder to a bell signaling Duncan's eternal sleep. He expresses remorse and guilt over the treacherous act he has committed.