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Lady Macbeth gave her husband advice when he came back home as Thane of Glamis and of Cawdor. She told Macbeth to be deceitful, duplicitous, hypocritical, and treacherous. She counseled him especially to hide his feelings and thoughts. In particular, she advised him to present a welcoming manner and speech to King Duncan. She likened the effect to an 'innocent flower'. But she told him to be despicable, disgusting, and dishonest as the 'serpent under' the flower.

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14y ago
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14y ago

In Act 3 Scene 1, Macbeth [c. 1014-August 15, 1057] revealed an anxious, troubled state of mind. The scene began with a soliloquy by friend and former fellow General Banquo, who suspected Macbeth of having killed King Duncan I [d. August 14, 1040] in order to become sovereign of Scotland. Macbeth then appeared and was most insistent about Banquo's presence at the evening's post-coronation banquet. No sooner did Banquo leave than readers and viewers found out exactly why Macbeth was so solicitous of Banquo's movements and evening plans. Two hired murderers showed up to go over last-minute details for a successful throat-slitting of Banquo and of Banquo's son Fleance. For Macbeth wanted to consolidate his royal rule against all claimants and rivals. The witches had predicted the crowing of Macbeth, and that of Banquo's descendants. Macbeth was anxious to secure his own rule, and thwart that of Banquo's family line. The only way that he could see to end his worries was through the murder of Banquo and of Banquo's son.

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9y ago

Lady Macbeth advises Macbeth not to let his kind nature stop him from killing Duncan. She is determined that her husband will be king and lets him know that he needs to act and make sure that this night is the last night King Duncan ever sees.

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7y ago

Two things:

  • "To beguile the time,
    Look like the time; bear welcome in your eye,
    Your hand, your tongue: look like the innocent flower
    but be the serpent under it"
  • "Leave all the rest to me."
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8y ago

She advises her husband to hide his feelings and to be less expressive

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9y ago

Act II, scene II - "These deeds must not be thought after these ways, so it will make us mad"

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To disguise his fear and deceit.

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11y ago

Kill King Duncan.

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Q: What advice does Lady Macbeth give Macbeth when he arrives home?
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