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The peacock, for one. :) That's all I have time to look up for now. They spread their feathers and dance. Hope that helps you.

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Q: What animals dance to attract a mate?
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What does a scarlet robin attract its mate?

They dance around

Why does the bird of paradise dance and sing?

to attract its mate

How does a stag attract its mate?

It dances a specially dance known as the 'Macarena'

Which animals make a sound to attract a mate?

The following animals make sounds to attract a mate: foxes, frogs, toads, penguins and even elk. Some apes beat their chest and make sounds to attract a mate. +++ Some insects, as well, such as crickets and grasshoppers.

How do male lyrebirds mate?

they do an elaborate song and dance routine to attract the female and then mate much as other birds do when she accepts him.

How do macaws mate?

Scarlet macaw talk or dance to attract mates

Does a lyrebird sing and dance for protection?

No. The "singing and dancing" of lyrebirds is purely a courtship ritual. It is done by the male in an attempt to attract a mate.

How have animals adapted to attract a mate?

animals use many ways to attract each other such as pheromones wich are emmited by certain glands to color marking on their bodies.

How do sharks find a mate?

You ask a vast question. All species of Animals have their own way of attraction. From courtship dances of the Brolga, to the dominance of a lion to win his lioness, or even the fox whom if loses his mate, does not find another for the rest of his life. There are too many to state, do you have one species in paticular that you were after?

What animals fight to attract a female?

some animals fight each other to mate but the usual is stag beetles, deer and loads more.

How can huskies attract the mate and reproduce?

They mate

How would a male slave attract female slaves?

He puts his hands behind his back and acts like a chicken doing the rain dance. This attracts a mate.