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well its music put into sections and repeated again and again they are also called riffs.

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what are the musical devices in poetry?

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What gives lyrical poetry its musical nature?

sound devices

What gives lyric poetry is musical nature?

The musical nature of lyric poetry is derived from its use of rhyme, rhythm, and meter to create a melodious and expressive quality. These musical elements help to enhance the emotional impact of the poem and make it more engaging for the reader or listener. Additionally, the use of sound devices such as alliteration and assonance can further contribute to the musicality of the poem.

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Musical inqiusition

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What is a musical adaptation?

When a musical is based off of a tv show, movie, book, poetry, etc.

How do you create the musical quality of poetry?

To create a musical quality in poetry, focus on using rhythmic patterns, playing with sounds through alliteration, assonance, and consonance, and incorporating repetition. Pay attention to the pacing and structure of your lines to create a melodic flow and consider the use of meter and rhyme to enhance the musicality of your poetry. Experiment with the variation of sound patterns and explore the sonic possibilities of language to elevate the musical quality of your work.

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Why did Anne Bradstreet considered it essential to use poetry devices when writing her poetry.?

Anne Bradstreet used poetry devices such as metaphor, imagery, and personification to enhance the beauty and complexity of her poems. By incorporating these devices, she was able to express her thoughts and emotions more vividly and creatively, ultimately creating a deeper connection with her readers. These devices also allowed Bradstreet to convey her ideas in a more engaging and memorable way, making her poetry more impactful and enduring.

What are the basic poetic devices in Asian poetry?

nangutana gako ..banganga

What are the poetic devices in Asian poetry?

lolo mo panut hahahah

What is langage in poetry?

word choice, poetic devices (eg alliteration)