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Shakespeare's plays are performed every day all around the world. His sonnets are read by people all of the time. Lines from them are quoted by English speakers constantly. His work is much more alive than the work of many authors writing today.

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Q: What are sine ways in which Shakespeare's plays and sonnets still live today?
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What are some ways in which shakespeares plays and sonnets still live today?

Shakespeare's plays still live because people keep on performing them all the time and all over the planet. His sonnets get anthologized and read all the time too. Shakespeare's plays and sonnets are often a part of school literature curricula and why not? Even the internet helps. Do you know how many websites there are about Shakespeare? How many videos of people saying speeches from the plays? Or reading the sonnets? It boggles the mind.

What lines are still used out of Shakespeares plays?

Some famous lines from Shakespeare's plays that are still commonly used today include "To be, or not to be: that is the question" from Hamlet, "All the world's a stage" from As You Like It, and "To thine own self be true" from Hamlet.

What other medium of expression did shakespeare use besides verse?

William Shakespeare was the first person to record 10'000 words and phrases that are still used today.

Are shakespeares plays still relevant?

Yes. Works of art don't become obsolete. The plays of Shakespeare possess all (or most) of the ingredients of a good work and will continue to do so until humans evolve past the point of appreciating such.Yes.his plays explain that life back then was no different from today.

How many of shakespeares phrases do you still use today?

A variety of Shakespearian words are still used today but many of the words were made up by William and many may be rather familiar.

Did Mozart make any plays you still use today?

Mozart composed numerous operas - musical plays - which are still performed today.

Where were plays first performed?

The Greeks created theater and we still do their plays today.

What is read more than shakespeares play today?


How much does it cost to get into Shakespeares plays?

In Shakespeare's day it cost one penny to stand in the yard, three pence to sit in the gallery. Today it could cost up to $100.00 for orchestra seats on Broadway.

Are Shakespeare's plays still used today?

They are very popular, and very important.

Who has the most expensive rookie card that still plays today?

derek jeter

Why do Shakespeares's plays always have 5 acts?

Dividing plays into acts, specifically five acts, was a printing convention of the time. They thought they were imitating the divisions of classical plays. In fact, Shakespeare did not compose in acts. (There were no act breaks in the Elizabethan Theater.) Shakespeare actually wrote in Scenes, more along the a Master Scene film script today.