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They are not marked in the text. It is up to the director to determine the rhythm of the performance.

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Q: What are some gaps and silences in romeo and Juliet?
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What does PRAT mean in Romeo and Juliet?

That word does not appear in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Maybe it is in some other one.

In Romeo and Juliet what are some of Juliet's doubts about Romeo?

When she first saw him, she knew that there had to be something imposible about him from the start. She was right, he was a Monotauge.

Who in Romeo and Juliet died?

Both Romeo and Juliet die, briefly, Romeo believes Juliet to be dead, so he drinks some poison, then when Juliet finds Romeo dead, she stabs herself with his dagger. Paris also dies, killed by Romeo. And Tybalt and Mercutio earlier on. And Mrs. Montague dies offstage

In the Romeo and Juliet what did Romeo do when he found Juliet dead?

When Juliet finds Romeo dead she takes his dagger and stabs herself in the heart with it.

What are some examples of dishonesty in romeo and Juliet?

Some examples of dishonesty in "Romeo and Juliet" include the secret marriage between Romeo and Juliet, the deception around Romeo's banishment, and the plan to fake Juliet's death. These acts of dishonesty ultimately lead to tragic consequences for the young lovers.

Is Romeo and Juliet about Romeo and his Juliet?

Yes, "Romeo and Juliet" is a play by William Shakespeare about the tragic love story between Romeo, a member of the Montague family, and Juliet, a member of the Capulet family. Their forbidden love faces numerous obstacles and ultimately ends in tragedy.

Who was the dark lady in Romeo and Juliet?

The dark lady was the hypothetical person to whom some of Shakespeare's sonnets are addressed. She has nothing to do with Romeo and Juliet.

Where does the nurse live in romeo and Juliet?

The Nurse in "Romeo and Juliet" lives in Verona, where the play is set. She serves as a motherly figure to Juliet and helps facilitate the relationship between Juliet and Romeo.

What are some of the things that Romeo and Juliet did' NT have when they were growing up?

Neither of them had parents that really cared much about them. But Romeo had way more than Juliet had. Romeo has cousins and friends his own age, Juliet only seems to have adult friends. Also, Romeo has the privledge to wonder freely unlike Juliet

Where is the setting in Romeo and Juliet?

The setting of Romeo and Juliet is in Verona, a city in Italy.

Why does Juliet kiss Romeo after his death in Romeo and Juliet?

Juliet kisses Romeo because she wants to see if there is any poison left on his lips so that she could drink some poison and also die , because there is no point in living now, now that Romeo is gone.

What year did Shakespeare finish Romeo and Juliet?

An exact date is unknown but Romeo and Juliet was written at some point during the years 1591 and 1595.