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The only medieval joke I know comes from my school days when we were all smutty little tykes, it goes like this: In days of old when Knights were bold and toilet paper was not invented they wiped their ass upon the grass and walked away contented.


In days of old when Knights were bold, and women weren't invented, they drilled some holes in telegraph poles and had to be contented.

In days of old when Knights were bold & Condoms weren't invented, they wrapped their socks around their cocks & babies were prevented.

In days of old when Knights were bold & toilets weren't invented, they dropped their load in the middle of the road, and went home quite contented.

King Arthur Joke

King Arthur was going to the crusades and he did not trust his queen to be a loving and trustable wife so he goes to the local blacksmith and says to him i want you to make me a shag proof chastity belt heres 20 gold pieces for you right says the blacksmith it shall be done.2 weeks later the blacksmith arrives at the castle and shows it to King Arthur thats no good says he its got a hole in it right where you do the business ahh says the blacksmith get me a carrot and stick it in the hole so the King does as he is instructed and kerchang a blade comes down and cuts the carrot in half,great says the King i will slip it on her tonight when shes asleep and lock it with the padlock supplied. So he goes off to the crusades safe in the knowledge shes safe from all his randy knights.When he comes back after 20 years the first thing he does is line up all his knights in the courtyard and orders them to drop their pants,so he looks down the line and notices that all their cocks are missing save one right at the end of the line you dirty buggers he says i can not trust you save for one trusty knight so he strides up to Sir Lancelot and says well done my loyal friend name anything and it shall be yours(and youve gussed it) he says arghh arghh,haha

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Find Yo Mamma jokes on Youtube.

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Some of the Joke resources for jokes of the day are that people submit different jokes, and then they are voted on to see which ones are the best ones.

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Since jokes are subjective and jokes only if you think they are, I can only provide what amuses me: The joke's on you.

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