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Swear words are different in different times and places. In most places and at most times the most offensive language was blasphemy, the profane use of the names of sacred things. We can tell that it was usually like this with English because of the words we have for offensive language: "swear" (call upon God as your witness), "curse" (call upon God to bring evil on someone) and "profanity" (treating the sacred as profane). A certain amount of censorship was exercised on the First Folio, and it all had to do with taking the name of God or his associates in vain.

Most swearing was using the name of God, Jesus, or the Virgin Mary in the forms "God", "Jesu", "Chrish" (Macmorris in Henry V uses this a lot), or the ubiquitous "Marry". Sometimes people would swear "by the Mass", or by "God's bread". But the favourite was to swear by God's body or bits of it. At various times we hear about God's body, heart, eyelid, wounds and blood. There are also milder oaths on God's attributes: his will and pity for example. The body part oaths could be made a little milder by adding "-ikins" or "-lings" at the end of the word, or by reducing the word "God's" to "Od's" or even the letter s. The famous and popular (and extremely offensive) oath "Zounds" is "God's wounds" with the God pared away. Thus the oath "God's nose" (I made that up; Shakespeare doesn't use it) could end up being "Od's nosikins", or even "Snoselings".

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What sort of swear words did Shakespeare use?

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Why are there such things as swear words?

Swear words are culturally defined as taboo language used to express strong emotions or emphasis. They can be used to shock, offend, or provoke a reaction. Swearing can also provide a sense of release or catharsis when used in appropriate contexts.

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It depends on what your definition of "swear word" is. Some people consider any strong word a "swear" word, while some other people only consider the strongest words "swear" words. Generally, however, "Bollocking" is not considered a swear.

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Some songs on yahoo music might have swearing in it.

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some words were made up for when people got mad and some wre twisted from a perfectly good word to a swear.

How do you say swear words in french?

WikiAnswers does not display swear words in any language.

Does Charlie and the Chocolate Factory contain swearing?

No there is no swear words but there are some weirdwords.

Can you swear in WikiAnswers?

Swearing is not allowed on WikiAnswers, so no you can't. That does not necessarily mean that absolutely no swear words can be found on the site. Some people will attempt to swear just to break the rules and others unfortunately, might not have the vocabulary to use more appropriate words. If swear words do manage to make it onto the site through our filters, they are removed.

What three words did Shakespeare invent?

Some of the words which were first noted in Shakespeare's work are eyeball, assassination and puke. The attached link has a long list of words that he has invented on it.

What swear words are bleeped out on TV and what swear words aren't?

Usually American TV won't allow any swear words on TV . . . however Canadian TV will allow more swear words like . . . Cr*p . . . and stuff that isn't too bad.