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George is an assimilationist who is not really interested in Beneatha's thoughts or aspirations.

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Q: What are some things beneatha does not like about george in the raisin in the sun?
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Why doesn't Mama and Ruth like George in the book 'A Raisin in the Sun'?

Beneatha Younger does not like George because he is an assimilationist, and he is condescending toward her. George does not value Beneatha's opinions, and he just wants her to sit there and look pretty.Mama wants Beneatha to be happy and respected; hence, Mama agrees with Beneatha's decision to dump George.By the way, A Raisin in the Sun is a play.

What presents did mama get on a raisin in the sun?

In A Raisin In The Sun, Mama Received new Gardening Tools from Walter, Ruth, and Beneatha. Travis got Mama her own gift of an Gardening Hat so she could look like the girls in the gardening magazines.

Who is Beneatha?

Mama's daughter, and Walter's sister Beneatha is a nice slim girl. Who wants to become a doctor despite what her brother and George thinks about it. She wants to be like a Nigerian and to practice their culture.

What is a raisin box waterhouse?

A raisin box waterhouse is a used raisin box that you take apart. You put water on it and clean with soap and then rinse off with water. After that you put something that blows air underneath it like a fan and it will float its really fun i do it with my friends all the time!

Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun is an example of?

a simile used in the poem "Dream Deferred" it is used like this: when you have a dream in life, and you cannot get it, you give up on it and then you dont remember it, just like when you put a raisin in the sun it will dry up,, and you will not remember it after some time, and you will give up on your dream.

Related questions

Why doesn't Mama and Ruth like George in the book 'A Raisin in the Sun'?

Beneatha Younger does not like George because he is an assimilationist, and he is condescending toward her. George does not value Beneatha's opinions, and he just wants her to sit there and look pretty.Mama wants Beneatha to be happy and respected; hence, Mama agrees with Beneatha's decision to dump George.By the way, A Raisin in the Sun is a play.

What presents did mama get on a raisin in the sun?

In A Raisin In The Sun, Mama Received new Gardening Tools from Walter, Ruth, and Beneatha. Travis got Mama her own gift of an Gardening Hat so she could look like the girls in the gardening magazines.

Who is Beneatha?

Mama's daughter, and Walter's sister Beneatha is a nice slim girl. Who wants to become a doctor despite what her brother and George thinks about it. She wants to be like a Nigerian and to practice their culture.

What is a simile for raisin?

It was as wrinkly as a raisin. It was so small it looked like a raisin etc :D

What qualities do we see in George Murchison at the beginning of the scene that Beneath might not like?

At the beginning of the scene, we see that George Murchison is pretentious, materialistic, and lacks genuine passion or depth in his conversations. Beneatha might not like these qualities as she values authenticity, intellectual stimulation, and genuine connections with others.

Do girls like being called raisin?

No! They dont like being called raisin! I think you should never call a girl raisin unless you want to have no girlfriend for your whole entire life.

What are dried grapes known for that make a teacher like them?

Raisin Hands

What human food do lady bugs like?

Ladybugs like raisins. Break the raisin in half so the ladybug can get to the soft insides of the raisin.

How the universe is like raisin bread dough?

The universe is like a rising raisin bread dough for many reasons. It is constantly growing with bumps along the way.

How did the universe like raisin bread and dough?

The universe is like a rising raisin bread dough for many reasons. It is constantly growing with bumps along the way.

What is the name of the bug that looks like a raisin?

A tick that has a soft shell can resemble a raisin. Engorged ticks, meaning ticks who have fed and are full of blood do not appear raisin shaped in appearance.

What does hung like a raisin mean?

you have a small penis