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Q: What are the answers to max's fanciful phrases 2?
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Is fanciful a word?

Yes, it is a wordfanciful:1. indulging in or influenced by fancy" a faniful mind"2. Not based on fact; unreal"the falsehood about some fanciful secret treaties"3. Having a curiously intricate quality"a fanciful pattern with intertwined vines and flowers"synanymes of the word are:imaginary,and , notional

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There is no strategy but correct answers. Google key terms and phrases to try to find them. Answer 2: The riding level tests were discontinued on Howrse.

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They are five preposition they maybe more then five.1-prepositional phrases.2- appositive phrases.3- infinitive phrases.4-gerund phrases.5-participial Phrase.

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we just learned about prepositional phrases this semester no, it would be 2 separate phrases hope dat i helped lol bye!

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$.session.items[2].answers[1] = "40 cm";$.session.items[2].answers[2] = "50 cm";$.session.items[2].answers[3] = "60 cm";$.session.items[2].answers[4] = "27 cm";

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The answers to the real ideas level 2 capitulo 4b-2 are not provided through the Internet. Consulting the study material is the best way to know the answers.