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Q: What are the pillars that hold up the 'heavens' made of?
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What are the pillars the hold up the heavens made in the globe?

The ' Herculean ' pillars were made of huge, single tree trunks. These were drilled through the centre to eliminate warping of the wood.

What are the pillars that up the heavens made of?

human bones(: <3

Why does the Parthanon have 86 pillars?

To hold up the roof, which is made of stone.

What part did Atlas play in the creation of the world?

Atlas was punished by Zeus who made him hold up the heavens.

What did Romans use pillars for?

Mostly to hold up roofs. Some pillars were build as monuments or for religious purposes.

How do the practices of the 5 pillars structure Islam and the daily lives of Muslims?

The five pillars structure Islam and the daily lives of Muslim's, because Muslims believe that without them their lives would not be complete and they would not earn Gods trust, it's like a building would not be able to hold itself up without the foundations/pillars in this case pillars, the Muslim's believe that the five pillars are what hold their lives and Islam up.

What can be inferred from the word pillar in regards to the acts of worship in the five pillars of Islam?

Pillars hold up structures. In the same way, the Pillars of Islam support the entire religion and beliefs of Islam.

How are the 5 pillars of Islam similar to pillars?

Pillars hold up houses therefor the five pillars are believed to hold up the life of a Muslim... But if u remove one or more pillars from the house it gets unbalanced so if u don't follow the five pillars a Muslims life will kinda get a bit "out of place" I guess u can say. Sorry if I'm wrong I'm only in 7th grade so don't expect me to write big words xP (;

What happend to Atlas and why did it happen?

Atlas was forced to hold up the heavens forever because he opposed Zeus.

Why are pillars there on a arch bridge?

To spread the force being exerted on them from the weight they hold up over as wide an area as possible to help prevent damage

Why was the suspension bridge invented?

To allow large gaps to be bridged without needing support pillars to hold the bridge up.

What did Atlas carry on his shoulders?

Not the world, but the heavens. Zues condemed him to hold the sky up for all time after the Titans revolt.