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Dialogue between characters

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Q: What can an author use in a story in order to make the scene feel as if it is happening in real time?
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How does the use of dialogue affect the pacing of the story?

It makes the scene feel as if it is happening in real time. ~APEX

How does the use of dialogue affects the pacing of a story?

It makes the scene feel as if it is happening in real time. ~APEX

Which best explains what a scene is?

A section of a story in which events seem to be happening - Apex

What can an author use in a story to make the scene feel as if it is happening in real time?

An author can use sensory details like sight, sound, smell, and touch to immerse readers in the scene, as well as present tense and vivid descriptions to create a sense of immediacy. Dialogue can also help to make the scene feel dynamic and real, while maintaining a strong focus on the characters' emotions and reactions.

What is the term for setting the scene in a story?

The term for setting the scene in a story is "exposition" or "establishing shot." This is where the author introduces the setting, characters, and background information to help orient the reader. It provides context for the events that will unfold in the narrative.

Which element creates the scene of the story?

the setting of the story creates the scene.

Where did the author get the idea from twilight novel from?

She dreamed of the scene of Bella and Edward in the meadow, then created the story from the dream

What is the best definition of plot A. Who is in the story B. What is happening in the story C. When the story takes place D. Where the story takes place?

Plot is what is happening in the story.

What is 'scene'?

Scene is a type of style, a fashion statement. I happen to dress scene occasionally, it can be a hairstyle as well. Dark colors coordinated with bright colors, whatever matches your personality.

Which does the author use to help the reader have a general feeling from the story?

he may set the scene and describe the emotion of the characters

Which of these is useful background information to have before reading a story?

The time period during which the author lived or What was happening in the world when the story was written

How do you know the setting of a story?

You read the story. Look for the place where the story is happening. Look for the time that the story is happening. Look for the social and cultural environment of the story. Those are the setting.