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The language spoken by the person who wrote it.

Not always. Mozart, a German-speaking Austrian, wrote Italian operas, t'was the fashion in those days.

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Q: What determines the language of an opera?
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Related questions

What language does the word opera originate from?

'opera' is Italian for 'work' and an abbreviation of 'opera in musica'.

What is opera called?

In almost every language it is called opera.

In which language is Beethoven's opera?

Beethoven's opera Fidelio is in German.

Which language does the word opera come from?

it comes from the Italian language

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What language is opera sung in mostly?

Opera is mostly sung in Italian, German, French, and English. Italian is considered the traditional language for opera singing, given the origins of opera in Italy. However, operas can also be composed and performed in other languages.

What is the original language of Don Giovanni?

The language of the libretto (text of the opera) was Italian.

Which language is the source of the word 'opera'?

Italian is the language from which the word 'opera' comes. It's a feminine noun in Italian. It includes among its different translations 'work, opera [as a piece of music], opera [as the theater in which the music is performed], and deed'. It's pronounced 'OH-peh-rah'.

What term refers to how your language determines your consciousness and perceptions of objects and events?

The term that refers to how your language determines consciousness and perceptions of objects and events is Linguistic Determinism. Linguistic determinism is the idea that language determines human thought.

A ballad opera is closest in format to what?

A Singspiel is closest to a ballad opera. It is a form of German-language music drama, now regarded as a genre of opera.

What language is opera sung in?

I'm pretty sure opera can be sung in any language, but most times its sung in Italian French or German