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Q: What did people think about Shakespearean Jews?
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How was the Jews treated by Christians in Shakespearean time?

Chistians persecuted many of them.

Who do Jews think they are?

They don't think, they know who they are. They are the Jews, God's Chosen People!

Who were the people killed in the hollow cost?

I think Jews.

How did they speak in elizabethan london?

Think Shakespearean English.

Why did people think the black death would go if they burnt the Jews?

They had falsely accused the Jews of poisoning the wells.

What did people think happened when you died in shakespearean times?

Most of the people from the Shakespeare's time were Christians. They had the same beliefs about death as Christians currently do. They believed that when you died you went to heaven.

Why do people associate Jews and not spending money together?

I think you're asking about Orthodox Jews - they do business with most people, but stick with their own kind.

What do people think of what happend to the Jews?

It is generally considered a bad thing.

What are other peoples' opinions on Judaism?

It depends on who the "other people" are. There are many individuals who are think well of Jews, there are many who think ill of Jews, and there are many who just do not care enough to have formed an opinion about the Jews.

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What do the Jews do?

In terms of physically, the Jewish people do the same thing as normal people. In terms of religion the Jews are People that worship God but they think that Jesus from the Bible was just a Prophet.

Is geo is the channel of Jews?

It doesn't seem that they are jews but pointing out country's mistake is a good think , people can rectify the mistakes