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Q: What do we know about shakespeares children?
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Where were shakespeares children born?

In Stratford, same as he was.

In shakespeares time What was the relationship between parents and children?

Children were very respectful to their parents.

What year were William shakespeares twin children born?


How many children were in shakespeares family origin?

Will and Anne Shakespeare had three children: Susanna, Judith and Hamnet.

What else were women not allowed to do in shakespeares time?

They were not allowed to be godfather to someone's children.

Who was William shakespeares wife and did he have children?

His wife's name was Anne Hathaway and his children were called Susanna, Judith and Hamnet.

Who was two great explorers of shakespeares time?

donit know

What was the name of shakespeares hometown?

i do not know where his hometown was i think it was in Germany

Was Hamlet Shakespeares finest play?

I know it was his most famous.

Why did the children wear nothing in shakespeares time?

They didn't wear nothing. They wore clothes.

Who go married first out of shakespeares children?

Susanna. Judith was 32 when she married Quiney.

Did people know what time it was in shakespeares age?

yes, you can look at the sun's location