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Q: What does Ezekiel Cheever accuse Elizabeth of using the doll for in the crucible?
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In The Crucible by Arthur Miller who does Abigail accuse of witchcraft?

In The Crucible Abigail accuses Elizabeth of witchcraft.

Who did Abigail Williams falsely accuse of being a witch in The Crucible by Arthur Miller?

Elizabeth proctor

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What does John Proctor reveal to prove the girls are lying?

"The Crucible" is a story featuring the character John Proctor. He says Abigail told him she was going to accuse Elizabeth.

In the crucible Reverend John Hale uses what three pieces of evidence to accuse Elizabeth Proctor of witchcraft?

Hale does not accuse Elizabeth of Witchcraft. He visits the Proctor household to ascertain how religious they are. He finds three faults; Proctor non attendance at church, youngest son not baptised, and a short fall in John Proctor's knowledge of the Commandments.

What does elizabeth ask john to do in the second act of the story the crucible by arthur miller?

she wants him to go to Abbigail so she Abbigail will decide not to accuse Elizabeth anymore ~actually it's to go to her and break any promises or hope that he'll sleep with her

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The Crucible teaches us not to believe everything we are told. It also teaches us not to accuse people of things that we really don't know anything about.

In the Crucible of the book what is the answer to who does Abigail accuse of conjuring spirits at this point?

tituba is the one who conjured up the spirits

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Sarah Osburn and Sarah Good

Which is an example of a cliffhanger in The Crucible?

One example of a cliffhanger in The Crucible is when John Proctor confesses to committing adultery with Abigail Williams in an effort to save his wife, Elizabeth. The audience is left wondering what the outcome of this confession will be and how it will affect the characters and the unfolding events in the play.

Where in The Crucible by Arthur Miller does Abigail accuse hale's wife?

he doesn't... I'm pretty sure he isn't married...

Why is hale a coward in The Crucible?

No clear opinion, doesn't accuse ministers, follows crowd, doesn't question accusations or confession