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She takes both the daggers back into the chambers where Duncan was supposed to be sleeping
she takes the daggers and places them by the guards. In order to make it look as if it were the guards who killed the king instead of her husband.

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Q: What does Lady Macbeth do when Macbeth refuses to put the servants' daggers back in the room?
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Who places the daggers with the murdered servants in Macbeth?

Macduff greets Macbeth's announcement that he has killed the grooms with the line "Wherefore did you so?" Macduff seems to think that was a peculiar thing to do, since he asks why Macbeth did it. Macbeth has a ready answer, but then in the next scene Macduff chooses not to attend Macbeth's coronation, so maybe he was not convinced by the answer.

Is it true or false that Macbeth returned the daggers after he committed the murder?

False, Lady Macbeth goes to return the daggers.

Who is worried about the daggers leading to the killer in Macbeth?

Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are worried that the daggers used to kill King Duncan will incriminate them as the killers. Lady Macbeth is particularly anxious about the potential consequences of the discovery of the daggers.

Why does lady Macbeth spread Duncan's servants with blood?

Lady Macbeth smears the blood on the servants to frame them for King Duncan's murder and divert suspicion from herself and her husband, Macbeth. This deception is part of their plan to consolidate power and maintain control over the throne. Lady Macbeth uses the blood as evidence to incriminate the servants and manipulate the situation to their advantage.

Does Lady Macbeth sees daggers before the murder?

Yes, in William Shakespeare's play "Macbeth," Lady Macbeth does not physically see daggers before the murder. Rather, she is the one who prepares the daggers and orchestrates the murder of King Duncan.

Who places bloody daggers near the alleged murderers in Macbeth?

Lady Macbeth places the bloody daggers near the alleged murderers in Macbeth to frame them for King Duncan's murder.

Who does Macbeth and lady Macbeth plan to blame?

Macbeth and Lady Macbeth plan to blame the murder of King Duncan on his chamberlains by framing them with the daggers used in the assassination.

What has lady Macbeth done to the kings servants?

Drugged them.

How did Macbeth and lady Macbeth plan on killing the king?

Lady Macbeth made the plan. The grooms who were to be guarding the king were to be made so drunk that they would not wake. Macbeth was to go into Duncan's rooms, steal the guards' daggers, kill Duncan with them, wipe the blood on the grooms so they would look guilty and leave the daggers there, and return to Lady Macbeth after which they were to return to bed.

Why did Lady Macbeth enter the King room?

Lady Macbeth enters the King's room to plant the daggers on the guards after she has drugged them. This is part of the plan she and Macbeth devised to frame the guards for the murder of King Duncan.

Who was thought to be the killer of Duncan?

"I" said Macbeth, "with the servants' daggers. I killed Macbeth."

What gift for lady Macbeth did duncan entrust to banquo?

Duncan gave Lady MAcbeth a diamond, he let his servants serve her, at her house. Duncan gave Lady MAcbeth a diamond, he let his servants serve her, at her house.