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Lady Macbeth and Macbeth attempted to do the murder. They will be punished for what they attempted to do even if they didnt succeed

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Q: What does Lady Macbeth mean when she says The attempt and not the deed confounds us?
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Both lady Macbeth Macbeth comment on the water cleaning their involvement in the deed?

yes, they do

What deed does Lady Macbeth urge her husband to perform?

The murder of the king.

How did lady Macbeth help to murder the king?

Lady Macbeth helped murder King Duncan by encouraging and manipulating her husband, Macbeth, to carry out the murder. She devised the plan, provided the logistics, and urged Macbeth to complete the deed. She also drugged the guards to ensure they would be unconscious during the deed.

What deed did Macbeth and lady Macbeth carry out?

Macbeth and Lady Macbeth carried out the murder of King Duncan in their quest for power and control over the kingdom. They plotted and executed the deed to fulfill the witches' prophecies and seize the throne for themselves. This act sets in motion a series of tragic events that ultimately lead to their downfall.

What in the tragedy of Macbeth act 2 scene 2 signals to Lady Macbeth that the murder has been accomplished?

In the tragedy of Macbeth Act 2 Scene 2, Lady Macbeth is signaled that the murder has been accomplished when she hears the sound of a bell signaling that the deed is done. She also sees Macbeth carrying the bloody daggers that he used to kill Duncan.

How far is Lady Macbeth responsible for the death of King Duncan in the story 'Macbeth'?

If Macbeth and his wife stood trial today, she would probably receive a greater sentence than he. She hatched the plot and incited him to do the deed.

What does lady Macbeth suggest Macbeth use to wash Duncan's blood from his hands?

Lady Macbeth suggests that Macbeth should wash Duncan's blood off his hands with water, stating that "a little water clears us of this deed." She believes that simply washing the blood away will remove the guilt associated with the murder.

What was lady Macbeth advice to Macbeth about saying Amen?

Lady Macbeth advised Macbeth not to say "amen" after committing the murder because it would make their deed more real and harder to go through with. She believed it would be better to keep their guilt hidden by not acknowledging it through prayer.

What will Lady Macbeth get out of Macbeth being king?

Lady Macbeth will become Queen of Scotland. The reason why she wants him to commit treason is for the benefit of her crafty self. When he becomes King she will become Queen. She is not thinking of anyone bar herself and she is using Macbeth to get to the throne. Macbeth sadly falls for his 'good' wife's idea and ends up committing a bad deed!

What does Lady Macbeth ask the spirits to do for her and why?

Lady Macbeth asks the spirits to fill her with cruelty, to make her remorseless and able to carry out the murder of King Duncan. She does this because she feels that she lacks the natural capacity for such ruthless actions and wants to be empowered to commit the deed without hesitation.

Who said we are but young in deed?


How does Lady Macbeth characterize Macbeth while she is reading his letter?

Lady Macbeth paints a picture of her husband as the weaker of the two of them. She laments that he may be too gentle in nature to do the deed she believes must be done. This may seem a bit much considering her husband is returning from a battle in which he victoriously put his enemies head on a pike. However, Lady Macbeth knows that, at heart, Macbeth is a good, and just man. She does not see that as a virtue, however. She sees it as a weakness that must be culled.