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the blood of all the people he killed is now on his jus means that hes a murderer

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

It means that the blood of the murder victim will seek out the blood of his killer, and so a murder will always be discovered.

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Q: What does Macbeth really mean when he indicates that the blood on his hands will redden all the seas?
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What does Macbeth mean when he says the blood on his hands will redden all the seas?

When Macbeth says the blood on his hands will redden all the seas, he is expressing the idea that his guilt and remorse are so profound that they will consume and taint everything around him, metaphorically turning the entire world red with blood. It reflects his overwhelming sense of moral corruption and the weight of his crimes.

Macbeth smears the guard's face with blood?

No it is Lady Macbeth that smears the guards with blood because Macbeth does not want to go back, so she goes and does it instead.

What appears on the dagger Macbeth halliconates?

Blood appears on the dagger; Lady Macbeth also sees blood on her hands as she sleepwalks.

Macbeth blood on his hands will redden the seas?

Macbeth is concerned about the blood on his hands because he couldn't believe that he had really killed King Duncan. He says that no amount of water could wash away the blood, because washing the blood away couldn't bring the King back. Blood represents the guilt, and this is where we get the phrase "to have blood on one's hands". He's done something he can't turn back and has to live with the consequences and guilt that will follow for the rest of his life.

How are the character in Macbeth using similar imagery?

The characters in Macbeth often use similar imagery to convey themes such as darkness, deception, and ambition. Both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, for example, use references to blood, night, and snakes to illustrate the moral decay and psychological turmoil they experience throughout the play. These shared images form a cohesive tapestry that underscores the supernatural elements and tragic consequences of their actions.

What did Macbeth forget to leave by the kings murder?

MacBeth mistakenly took his dagger with him after killing the king. Lady MacBeth then proceeds to take them back when MacBeth will not. She also smears blood on the chamberlains who are drunk. MacBeth then goes to wash his hands and he can't seem to wash the blood off.

What does lady Macbeth suggest Macbeth use to wash Duncan's blood from his hands?

Lady Macbeth suggests that Macbeth should wash Duncan's blood off his hands with water, stating that "a little water clears us of this deed." She believes that simply washing the blood away will remove the guilt associated with the murder.

Is the blood symbolic?

"Blood" is a recurring image throughout the play Macbeth. Shakespeare frequently used a particular image repeatedly in the same play (see the use of the word "star" in Romeo and Juliet). The blood is sometimes real (as is Duncan's blood on the hands of Mr. and Mrs. Macbeth or on the face of the first murderer) or imaginary (as in Lady Macbeth's dream) or purely symbolic (as in the spirit who is a "bloody child", or the blood into which Macbeth he has stepped so far that to return were as tedious as go o'er, or the blood of Macduff's family with which Macbeth says his soul is charged.

Who smears the blood on the guards?

Lady Macbeth

What does the blood on the hands of Macbeth and lady Macbeth symbolize?

The blood on Macbeth and Lady Macbeth's hands symbolizes guilt and the consequences of their violent actions. It serves as a manifestation of their moral corruption and their inability to wash away their guilt or the sins they have committed.ηΊ’The blood becomes a powerful symbol of their inner turmoil and descent into madness.

Who said this line in Macbeth will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood clean from my hand?


Where does blood show up in the this scene how does Macbeth and his wife respond differently to it?

Blood is shown in the scene where Macbeth murders King Duncan in his sleep. Macbeth responds to the blood with guilt and horror, feeling overwhelmed by his actions and haunted by his conscience. Lady Macbeth, on the other hand, dismisses the blood as a simple inconvenience that can be easily washed away, focusing on the practical aspects of the situation rather than the moral implications.