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Mike helps Marcia do math on the episode Father of the Year.

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Q: What does Mike Brady help Marcia do in 1 episode of The Brady Bunch?
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Related questions

Remember Mike Brady wasn't their father so what was Marcia Jan and Cindy's last name on the Brady Bunch?

Their original last name was Martin. The were adopted by Mike and it became Brady.

Is the father in the Brady Bunch name Mike?

Yes Mike Brady is the father in the Brady bunch.

Names of brady bunch actors and actresses?

The parents are Mike and Carol Brady, and the kids (from youngest to oldest) are Greg, Marcia, Peter, Jan, Bobby, and Cindy. There is also the housekeeper, Alice, and her boyfriend, Sam the butcher.

On the Brady Bunch Mike Brady was a writer?

False - He was an Architect

How did the brady bunch start?

The first episode aired September 26, 1969. Titled "The Honeymoon", it was about Mike and Carol's wedding (which did not go smoothly). It is the only episode that referenced Mike's late wife.

How many Brady Bunch kids were there?

The Brady family consists of 8 people-the parents, Mike and Carol, and the kids, (oldest to youngest), Greg, Marcia, Peter, Jan, Bobby, and Cindy. There is also the housekeeper, Alice, and her boyfriend, Sam.

What did Mike Brady do for a living on The Brady Bunch?

Mike Brady was an architect.

Which member of the Brady Bunch was born on Valentine's Day?


What is Marsha Brady best known for?

Marsha Brady is a fictional character originally played by Maureen McCormick in the 1970's era sitcom "The Brady Bunch." Marsha was known for having great looks and being ultra popular at her school, as well as being the oldest of the Brady daughters and, consequently, a role model and source of envy.

What are the ratings and certificates for The Brady Bunch - 1969 Mike's Horror-Scope 1-16?

The Brady Bunch - 1969 Mike's Horror-Scope 1-16 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G

Brady bunch dad die?

Yes Robert Reed who played Mike Brady on the brady bunch died on May 12, 1992 from Cancer related to Aids. I found out from

What was the fathers name on the brady bunch?

Mike Brady (his full name is Michael Paul Brady)