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The Sphinx is what Oedipus defeats before becoming King of Thebes. The monster forces anyone entering or leaving Thebes to answer a seemingly unanswerable riddle. No answer or a wrong answer means that she gets to devour the hapless respondent.

Oedipus alone figures out that it's a human being that gets around on fours in the morning [of life], on twos in the afternoon, and on threes in the evening. Specifically, it's a question of a crawling infant, a healthy adult, and an elderly person with a cane.

The Sphinx is so upset that she throws herself to her death. The relieved Thebans see to it that Oedipus meets the city's beautiful, newly-widowed queen, Jocasta. Everyone is happy to encourage the couple's romance and marriage.

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Q: What does Oedipus defeat to become king?
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"Rex" is Latin for "King". Oedipus Rex means "Oedipus the King".

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Oedipus the King (Oedipus Tyrannus) was written by Sophocles c.430 BC.

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it was king Laius, Oedipus' real father.

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Royal describes Oedipus' powers in "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Oedipus is raised in the Corinthian royal household. He is trained to become the successor of his presumed father, Corinthian King Polybus. But he rules as king of Thebes through his marriage to the city's widowed Queen Jocasta.

What does Oedipus do after he kills Laius in 'Oedipus Rex'?

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