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Well, we can only guess what Shakespeare intended from what he wrote, if indeed he intended anything. From the play, Duncan comes across as nice but incompetent. Macbeth talks about how well-loved Duncan is, and how he is meek and uncorruptible and virtuous. Lady Macbeth talks about how he resembled her father as he slept. He can make an appropriately courteous speech as occasion demands, and one suspects he would be an effective after-dinner speaker.

But he seems to be oblivious to the demands of realpolitik, to the necessity of being able to assess the characters of those around you and to know who to trust. "There's no art to find the mind's construction in the face", he muses bewilderedly about the traitor Cawdor, "he was a gentleman upon whom I built an absolute trust." He does the same think in choosing as his successor the feckless Malcolm, an inept soldier (he had to be rescued from the battle by the bloody sergeant) and a tedious and insensitive person, as his scene with Macduff shows. Duncan had his choice of successor, and it is clear that Macbeth was the natural choice and he knew it. Duncan failed to see that in Macbeth, failed to consider how much better a king Macbeth would have been than Malcolm, and failed to see how dangerous it was to go in this perverse direction out of no motive except nepotism. Then immediately to proceed to impose himself on Macbeth's hospitality was adding injury to insult. A wiser king would have left Macbeth alone to cool off, but Duncan was no wise king.

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Q: What does Shakespeare intend his audience to think of duncan?
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