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It means a triplet of a crotchet. Descriptively, the particular three crotchets should be played in the time of two.

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Q: What does a 3 below three crotchets mean?
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What is 3 crotchets with a tripple sign?

Three crotchets with a bracket grouped over them with a small three in the middle of the bracket is called a triplet. A triplet is when you play three notes in the time that you would play two notes, meaning in this case you would play three crotchets in the time of two crotchet beats (or one minim beat).

How many crotchets fit into a minim?

There are 2 crotchets in a minim.

How many simple and compound time signatures are there?

Theres all these: Simple time signatures: 4/1 = 4 semibreves in a bar (16 crotchets) = quadruple time 3/1 = 3 semibreves in a bar (12 crotchets) = triple time 2/1 = 2 semibreves in a bar (8 crotchets) = double time 4/2 = 4 minims in a bar (8 crotchets) = quadruple time 3/2 = 3 minims in a bar (6 crotchets) = triple time 2/2 = 2 minims in a bar (4 crotchets) = double time 4/4 = 4 crotchets in a bar (4 crotchets) = quadruple time 3/4 = 3 crotchets in a bar (3 crotchets) = triple time 2/4 = 2 crotchets in a bar (2 crotchets) = double time 4/8 = 4 quavers in a bar (2 crotchets) = quadruple time 3/8 = 3 quavers in a bar (1.5 crotchets) = triple time 2/8 = 2 quavers in a bar (1 crotchet) = double time 4/16 = 4 semiquavers in a bar (1 crotchet) = quadruple time 3/16 = 3 semiquavers in a bar (0.75 crotchets) = triple time 2/16 = 2 semiquavers in a bar (0.5 crotchets) = double time 4/32 = 4 demisemiquavers in a bar (0.5 crotchets) = quadruple time 3/32 = 3 demisemiquavers in a bar (0.375 crotchets or 3/8 of a crotchet) = triple time 2/32 = 2 demisemiquavers in a bar (0.25 crotchets) = double time Compound Time signatures: 12/1 = 4 dotted breves in a bar (48 crotchets) = quadruple time 9/1 = 3 dotted breves in a bar (36 crotchets) = triple time 6/1 = 2 dotted breves in a bar (24 crotchets) = double time 12/2 = 4 dotted semibreves in a bar (24 crotchets) = quadruple time 9/2 = 3 dotted semibreves in a bar (18 crotchets) = triple time 6/2 = 2 dotted semibreves in bar (12 crotchets) = double time 12/4 = 4 dotted minims in a bar (12 crotchets) = quadruple time 9/4 = 3 dotted minims in a bar (9 crotchets) = triple time 6/4 = 2 dotted minims in a bar (6 crotchets) = double time 12/8 = 4 dotted crotchets in a bar (6 crotchets) = quadruple time 9/8 = 3 dotted crochets in a bar (4.5 crotchets) = triple time 6/8 = 2 dotted crochets in a bar (3 crotchets) = double time 12/16 = 4 dotted quavers in a bar (3 crotchets) = quadruple time 9/16 = 3 dotted quavers in a bar (2.25 crotchets) = triple time 6/16 = 2 dotted quavers in a bar (1.5 crotchets) = double time 12/32 = 4 dotted semiquavers in a bar (1.5 crotchets) = quadruple time 9/32 = 3 dotted semiquavers in a bar (1.125 crotchets or 1 and 1/8 of a crotchet) = triple time 6/32 = 2 dotted semiquavers in a bar (0.75 crotchets) = double time But remember that these are not all the time signatures ever invented. There are also irregular time signatures.

A waltz would be written in a meter of?

a waltz is in the meter of

What does the time signature 5 3 means?

I'm not sure a time signature with a 3 on the bottom exists but if it did it would mean there were 5 dotted crotchets in a bar.

How do you find the three sigma limits?

This is 3 standard deviations above and below the mean.

What do six quavers make?

3 crotchets or 1 dotted minim

What brain teaser does o over MD ba PhD mean?

If it were a 0 and not an O it would mean 'three degrees below zero'.

How many beats are in a bar of 9 8 time?

There would be 3 dotted crotchets or 9 quavers.

How many crotchets equal a semibreve tied to a dotted minim?

Semibreves cannot be tied to dotted minims. In any case, a semibreve is worth 4 crotchets and a minim is worth 2, but a dot adds half the value of the note to the note, so a dotted minim is worth 3. The answer to your question is 7 crotchets but it is not possible.

A triplet consists of 3 notes played in the rhythmic space that would normally have how many notes?

Two. If the triplet is made up of quavers, then its equal to 2 quavers. If you have triplet crotchets then it is equal to 2 crotchets. etc. etc.

What does 3 triangles mean?

Three triangles means the Hojo Clan. For more information, please see the Related Link below.