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William Shakespeare sometimes uses the word gi in his plays. This word has the same meaning as the word give.

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12y ago

It's short for "give".

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Q: What does gi' mean in shakespeare plays?
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What does gi mean in shakespear?

William Shakespeare sometimes uses the word gi in his plays. This word has the same meaning as the word give.

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38 Plays By William Shakespeare.

What did Shakespeare mean by the word gi'?

The word "gi" from Shakespearean English means "give". In Act 1 Scene 2 of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, the servant says "God gi' ye godd'en". Which is translated to "God give you good evening". (Basically another way of saying "good evening").

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If you mean "Did Shakespeare invent the concept of plays?" the answer is no, he sure did not. People were writing plays in Greece 1800 years and more before Shakespeare was born. They had plays in Rome too, but the Romans weren't very good at drama, and ultimately plays had to be reinvented. However, English drama was certainly reinvented by the time Shakespeare was born, although it was improving all the time. If you mean "Did Shakespeare write plays?" the answer is of course yes. If he hadn't written plays you would never have heard of him.

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38 Plays By William Shakespeare.

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The complete works of William Shakespeare are a collection of his plays and sonnets.

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It is shortened for give.

What times were the Shakespeare plays?

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How many plays where printed when Shakespeare was alive?

If you mean, how many of Shakespeare's plays were printed in his lifetime, the answer is nineteen. There were loads of other plays by other authors printed as well, many of them anonymously.