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Q: What does romeo use to describe death?
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Describe the clashing emotions Juliet feels when the nurse reports Tybalt's death and Romeo's banishment?

Juliet is torn between grief for Tybalt's death, whom she loved as her cousin, and conflicting loyalty towards Romeo, her husband. She feels overwhelmed by the loss and the consequences of these events on her relationships with both Tybalt and Romeo.

What term does the Chorus use to describe the lovers in romeo and Juliet?

The chourus describes Romeo and Juliet as star crossed lovers.

Who gives Romeo the news of Juliets death?

Balthasar told romeo about juliet's death.

What did Balthazar bring romeo?

He brings Romeo the news of Juliet's death.

How did Romeo and Juliet describe the prolouge?

the play of romeo and juliet is a sonnet,a love and a tragedy. :( :(

Who tell Romeo about Juliet's death?

Romeo's friend Balthasar tells him

What metaphor dose Romeo use to describe the tomb?

Romeo compares the tomb to a "detestable maw" in Act 5, Scene 3 of "Romeo and Juliet." This metaphor emphasizes the tomb's dark and ominous nature, suggesting that it is a repulsive and consuming force.

In the play Romeo and Juliet Who visits Romeo in mantua?

Balthasar brings Romeo the news of Juliet's "death"

Why did escalus not sentence romeo to death?

Escalus did not sentence Romeo to death because he believed that Romeo acted out of love and in response to Tybalt's killing of Mercutio. Escalus also considered the circumstances and Romeo's previously good reputation in the city of Verona. Instead of death, Escalus decided to banish Romeo from Verona as a punishment.

What motivates Juliet to support romeo despite tybalts death?

her love for romeo

Who convinces Romeo to flee after Tybalt's death?

Benvolio Montague; Romeo's cousin.

What other death is reported be Montague in romeo and Juliet?

In the play "Romeo and Juliet," another death reported by Montague is that of his wife, Lady Montague. She dies of grief after learning about the death of her son, Romeo.