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The ancient Mariner tells that he has the urge to tell his tale at unpredictable times. He also states that he is in agony until he does tell his tale to someone. This is something that he discloses to the wedding guest in the poem.

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The Mariner has been under the curse ever since he shot the albatross in Antarctica. It caused him to live for seven days and seven nights in the bodies of his slain ship mates.

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Q: What does the Mariner tell of his curse?
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Why hasn't the curse died away in the rise of the ancient mariner?

The curse in "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" does not die away because the mariner must continue to retell his story as a form of penance. By sharing his tale, he seeks to impart the moral lesson learned from his experience and warn others of the consequences of disrespecting nature and all its beings. The curse serves as a perpetual reminder of the mariner's past actions and the importance of living in harmony with the natural world.

What does the Mariner's not being able to speak signify in Rime of the Ancient Mariner?

1. The mariner not being able to speak signifies his detachment from his crew, which was the curse that had been brought upon him after the killing of the albatross.

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In the poem "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, the ancient mariner shoots an albatross, a decision that brings a curse upon the ship and its crew. This act leads to a series of supernatural events and grave consequences for the mariner and his fellow sailors.

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The Ancient Mariner knows he has been forgiven when the weight of the curse is lifted and he is able to pray again. He feels a sense of peace and redemption, signaling that his sin has been absolved.

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Supernatural element in ancient mariner?

The supernatural element in "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" is the appearance of the spectral figure of Death and Life-in-Death, who are personified in the poem. These supernatural beings play a key role in the mariner's punishment and the sailors' curse. Additionally, the ghostly ship that carries the mariner back to his homeland and the surreal experiences he undergoes contribute to the supernatural atmosphere of the poem.

What is the mariner's lifelong penance in the rime of the ancient mariner?

His penance is to wander the earth and tell his story to whomever he met and to teach them to respect all of God's creations.

Why did the wind stop blowing in the ancient mariner?

In the poem "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner," the wind stops blowing because the Mariner shot an albatross, which was seen as a symbol of good luck. Killing the albatross brought a curse upon the Mariner and his crew, leading to the wind stopping and their ship being stuck at sea.

What year is your 20hp mariner outbord sn 6618346?

I don't have the Mariner year model chart, but close as I can tell this engine would be a 1984 - 1985 year model.

On what occasion does the mariner tell his story?

The mariner tells his story to a wedding guest whom he stops to share his tale with as he feels compelled to unload the burden of his experiences.

What space probes discovered Venus?

I dont know, you tell me! People like the one above me never help.. It was Mariner 10 or maybe just Mariner.... Sorry I read it but I forgot but it was Mariner for sure I just don't know what number or if it had a number.

How can you tell when you've been marked with a curse?

there is no such thing as being marked with a curse, this is nonsense and fear mongering.