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Q: What does the first R stand for in the 4-R's of explosive ordnance reconnaissance?
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What does the first R stand for in the 4'R's of explosive ordnance reconnaissance?

R E C O G N I Z E !!!!

What does the first r stand for in the 4r's of explosive ordnance?


What does the first r stand for in the 4-r's of explosive ordance reconnaissance?


What does the first r stand for in the 4-R's of explosive ordinance reconnaissance?


What does the first r stand for in the 4-rs of explosive ordinance reconnaissance?


What does the first r stand for in the 4-r's of explosive ordnance?

The first "R" in the 4 Rs of explosive ordnance stands for "Recognize." It emphasizes the importance of being able to identify and understand the threat posed by explosive devices or materials.

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Explosive Ordnance Disposal. The helmet was designed to channel the pressure wave of a nearby detonation around the user's head, significantly reducing the likelihood of decapitation in the event of an explosion.

What does the first r stand for in the 4-r's of explosive reconnaisance?


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RDX could stand for any of the following. Royal Demolition Explosive, Regional Data Exchange, Research and Development Explosive, or Rapid Detonating Explosive.