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she was jailed

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Q: What happened to Abigail Williams after she left Salem Massachusetts?
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Related questions

Where is Abigail Williams home town?

Salem, Massachusetts.

Where was Abigail Williams born?

Abigail Williams was born in Salem, Massachusetts. Abigail only lived to be approximately 17 years of age. She was one of the initial accusers in the Salem witch trials.

Paragraph about Abigail williams?

Abigail Williams accused an enslaved woman, Tituba, of bewitching her. The accusations made by Williams and her cousin Betty Parris led to the execution of twenty people in Salem, Massachusetts.

Was there gossip about Abigail Williams?

Abigail Williams was an accuser during the Salem Witch Trials. There was gossip that Abigail was afflicted by witchcraft by a doctor.

Why did Abigail Williams leave Salem?

Because she was horny.

Where is Williams's home town?

Salem, Massachusetts.

Where did the Salem witch trail happened?

Salem, Massachusetts.

Where was Abigail Williams born in The Crucible by Arthur Miller?

She was born in Salem.

What happened to Abigail Williams after the Salem Witch Trials?

Although there is no concrete evidence to support it many rumors were disvovered that she was a prostitute in Boston and had a illigitimate child

What state did the Salem witchcraft trials happen?

The Salem Witch Trials were held in Salem, Massachusetts.

Did Abigail Williams bear a grudge against anyone in Salem?

John Proctor.

What was Abigail Williams most famous for?

Abigail Williams is most famous for being one of the people that accused people of being witches in Salem. The Salem Witch Trials of 1692 lead to the arrest of 150 innocent people. Abigail Williams is knows for being the first person to accuse someone of witchcraft.