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he was goshed.

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Q: What happened when the sentry returned to polyneices' body?
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Why does the sentry return in Antigone?

The Sentry Returns Because He Wants To Prove To Creon That He Didn't Bury Polyneices Body And That He's Innocent.

Is Antigone accused of burying the body of Polyneices?

Yes, Antigone is accused of burying the body of her brother Polyneices. The accusations come from the direct observation of the Sentry and from Theban King Creon's acceptance of the Sentry's testimony as true. The accusations also come from the very proud confession of the crime's commission by Antigone herself.

How is the sentry able to catch who has covered Polyneices' body?

The royal soldiers hide and wait for whoever it was, and after confirming that it was Antigone, then they caught her.

What does the Sentry find strange about the semi-burial of Polyneices' body?

The fact of the illegality of any form of burial to the disloyal Theban dead is what the Sentry finds strange about the semi burial of Polyneices' body. Also the fact of the clueless identity of the perpetrator is something else that the Sentry finds strange. He can't imagine why anyone would dare to disobey Theban King Creon's law, particularly in the light of the death sentence that violation carries.

What news does the sentry bring Who does Creon think is responsible?

The sentry brings news that the body of Polyneices has had dust spread over it so that it may pass safely through to the underworld. Creon is overtaken with rage and tells the messenger that if he doesn't find who did this than he would be killed.

What news is the Sentry reluctant to deliver to Creon in 'Antigone'?

That the body of Polyneices is covered with dust is the news that the Sentry is reluctant to deliver to Creon in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, the Sentry guards the exposed bodies of the disloyal Theban dead. He is ordered to do so because of Theban King Creon's edict of non-burial of Theban traitors. Many oppose the edict, which denies to Polyneices and his Theban supporters the god-given rights of all Thebans to below ground burials and proper funeral rites. The Sentry reels with fear at the thought of his sovereign's reaction to the civil disobedience.

To what does the sentry compare Antigone in his metaphor describing her in 'Antigone'?

It is to a mother bird that the sentry compares Antigone in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, the sentry describes Theban Princess Antigone's pain on finding her brother's body exposed once more. He explains that the removal of the layer of dust from Polyneices' body distresses Antigone. He likens her plight to that of a mother bird returning to the nest and finding all her chicks gone.

What news does the sentry bring on his first visit to Creon in 'Antigone'?

That Polyneices' body is buried and that the perpetrator is long gone is the news that the sentry brings on his first visit to Creon in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban King Creon denies to his perceived enemies their god-given rights as Thebans to below ground burials. He enforces his prohibition by a royal edict. He has guards posted immediately after making the edict public. But a sentry lets Creon know that his edict already is violated and that Creon's disgraced nephew Polyneices' body already is covered with a dusty layer that constitutes a partial burial.

What happened to the body of Muhammad after his death?

Unless his body was mummified, it would have returned to the dust from which it was created!

What does the sentry feel for Antigone in 'Antigone'?

Compassion and respect are what the sentry feels for Antigone in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, the sentry expresses compassion when he likens Theban Princess Antigone's pain to that of a mother bird who finds who babies stolen from the nest. He is respectful when he describes how Antigone tries to give her brother Polyneices' body his funereal due. He mentions that aspects of partial burying and of complete anointing.

What did the role of the sentry show in 'Antigone'?

A means of including offstage action and of excluding onstage presentation of death is the role of the sentry in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, death and violence are not to be played out on the ancient Greek stage. But they can be included in onstage comments by the chorus and conversations by the characters. The sentry functions to report Antigone's burial of the exposed body of her dead brother Polyneices, which cannot be presented onstage.

What happened t Muhammad's body after he died?

Unless his body was mummified, it would have returned to the dust from which it was created!