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When Tybalt and Mercutio fight, romeo trys to defend Mercutio but ends up having him killed. Mercutio dies from Tybalt bringing the sword from under Romeo and stabbing Mercutio.

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Q: What happens when Tybalt and Mercutio fight?
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What happens to mercutio?

He gets killed in a street fight with Tybalt.

What happens to Tybalt?

Tybalt was asking for a fight with Romeo. Since he was married to Juliet and Tybalt was now his cousin, he refused to fight him. Then Mercutio asked to fight Tybalt and in a way kind of tempted him to fighting. Tybalt ended up killing Mercutio because Romeo got in the way when trying to stop the fight between the two. So now Romeo is angry that his friend Mercutio is dead and Tybalt doesn't have a scratch. So, Tybalt and Romeo fight and Romeo kills Tybalt.

Who decides to fight Tybalt for romeo?

Mercutio is the one who decides to fight Tybalt.

What drives Romio to challange Tybalt to fight?

It was when Tybalt killed Mercutio and Mercutio blamed Romeo for it.

Where was the Tybalt and mercutio fight?

In the street.

Who did Romeo fright with?

if you mean fight, then Tybalt after Tybalt had killed mercutio

Who starts the fight that ends with Romeo fleeing the city?

Mercutio starts the fight that ends with Romeo fleeing the city.

What happens to Tybalt and who is responsible?

he died.. romeos

Where does mercutio fight with Tybalt?

They fight in the street, which is illegal, of course.

Who gets murdered in Romeo and Juliet?

earlier in the play, romeo crashed a Capulet party. angry, Tybalt swore revenge with a sword fight. Romeo's friend mercutio ends up fighting Tybalt, and romeo attempts to intervene by stepping between them. Tybalt stabs mercutio, despite Romeos attempts to end the fight, and mercutio dies. Romeo and Tybalt then fight, and romeo kills Tybalt, and romeo is banished from Vienna. Merutio, romeo and Tybalt sword fight.

Why does mercutio decide to fight Tybalt and save romeo?

Mercutio does not "save Romeo" in the play by fighting Tybalt. Tybalt is about to walk away in contempt of the coward Romeo who will not fight him, and Mercutio gets involved, ostensibly to save Romeo's honour but basically just to get into a scrap. In the 1996 Baz Luhrman movie, the director has Tybalt beating Romeo when he will not fight, which does prompt Mercutio to join the fight. In that version Mercutio thinks that Tybalt will kill Romeo and that he needs to intervene to save his life. It's a more flattering read for Mercutio than what Shakespeare wrote.

Who does Tybalt ask benvolio and mercutio about?

Romeo, who Tybalt means to challenge to a fight.