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A River ????????

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Q: What has a bed but does not sleep what has a fall but does not leap?
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Sleep after a fall?

go to bed before sleep.

How do you get your character to fall asleep on acww ds?

a: sleep in a bed, but not your upstairs bed b: dont move or anything for a while and the character will sleep/snore

How do you sleep tonight?

Lay down in bed tuck yourself in count invisible sleep fall asleep

Do you get an extra of sleep in the fall?

Yes. In the fall, clocks are set back an hour. If you go to bed at your usual time, you will get an extra hour of sleep if you get up at your ususal time.

Do people do things for no reason?

People may sometimes behave in ways that seem to have no logical reason, but there is usually some underlying motivation or trigger for their actions. Psychological factors, past experiences, emotions, or subconscious desires can all play a role in influencing a person's behavior, even if it may not be immediately apparent. However, there is often a complex web of factors that contribute to why people do what they do.

Do moster sleep with you?

No technically they don't sleep with you. They either hide in your closet or under your bed waiting for you to fall asleep and suck your blood.

How do you stay in bed on a school day and your dad is trying to wake you up?

play sick and if he doesn't fall for that then fall out of bed and pretend you're still asleep and that was all sleep talk!

Why don't people fall off their bed?

Although the body is asleep, it still is aware of how hard the floor is should it fall from a nice soft bed, controling its own involentary movements during sleep. That is also why when under the influense of mind altering substances, we might very well fall of the bed.

What does it sleep in?

A Bed A Bed

How much is a sleep number bed?

A sleep number bed costs about as much as a regular bed

How can kids sleep with no medicine?

they can sleep with there parents in there bed or if they had a sleeping bag they can sleep with them but in the bed in the floor

What has a bed and does not sleep?

"Flowers" have a bed (they are planted in flower beds) and they do not sleep.