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As king his laws must be obeyed, no matter what Antigone's reasons to bury her brother may be.

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Q: What is Creon's attitude toward Antigone?
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Who is eurydice in Antigone?

Creons wife

What is the rising action in the story Antigone?

the rising action is antigone decision to defy creons orders to bury her brother polynecis

What is antigone's major argument for her disobedience?

creons's law conflicts with divine law

How did Antigone kill herself?

In Antigone (Sophocles) Antigone hangs herself in the final stage of the play, inside the cave. In the Legend of Antigone through Mythology She married Creons Son, and He killed himself and Antigone.

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He don't support his father' decision to execute Antigone.

What is Antigone's attitude towards Creon's decree in 'Antigone'?

Antagonistic is Antigone's attitude toward Creon's decree in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone has a negative attitude toward her uncle King Creon's edict of non-burial of the disloyal Theban dead. She is a believer in the old ways of cherished traditions, divine will and family ties. She opposes denying to enemies and granting to supporters god-given rights of all Thebans to below ground burials.

What Is Creons attitude towards Tiresias?

He suspects that Tiresias has been bribed to oppose him.

What is Antigone's attitude toward the laws of Thebes in 'Antigone'?

That at least one of them is illegal is Antigone's attitude toward the laws of Thebes in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone does not accept a conflict between a royal edict and divinely ordained Theban traditions. She expresses strongly supportive feelings for her family and the gods. It is not easy to understand her position regarding royals other than that their actions must be in line with divine will and that King Creon's non-burial edict does not do so.

What are Antigone's typical attitude and character in 'Antigone'?

Questioning and passionate describe Antigone's attitude and character in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone evidences her questioning attitude when she refuses to something as correct just because a king says so. She manifests her passionate character when she refuses to abandon her convictions, her family and her gods. For example, Antigone questions the correctness of obeying a royal edict that contradicts divine will and threatens cherished Theban traditions.

What is Antigone's attitude toward her brother and her sister in 'Antigone'?

Supportive and hostile are Antigone's respective attitudes toward her brother and her sister in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone cares about her brother Polyneices. She demonstrates that concern by burying his body and thereby helping his entry into the Underworld of the afterlife. In contrast, she does not demonstrate a similar care or concern for her sister, Princess Ismene. In fact, she makes reference to Ismene as being basely born even though the sisters share the same genealogy, parents and royal social status.

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