hes wife Jane Waldhorn
1959 because she is 54 right now 2013
2 4 TIME DANCE STEPSNAME OF STEP STEP PATTERN/COUNTING (RHYTHM)Touch Step Step R sideward , Point L in Front of RWalk Step R forward, Step L forwardChange Step Step R , Close Step L to R , Step R inPlaceHop Step Step R sideward , Hop R in placeClose Step Step R sideward , Close Step L to RMincing Point L in place, Step R in place , Point Lin place , Step R in placeCross Step Step R across L , Step L sideward LBleking Step R. in place , Heel Place L in front3 4 TIME DANCE STEPSNAME OF STEP STEP PATTERN/COUNTING (RHYTHM)Waltz Step R sideward , Close Step L to R, StepR in placeCross Waltz Cross Step R over L, Step L sideward LStep R in placeWaltz Balance Step R forward, Step L close to R and raiseheels, heels downWaltz turn Step R sideward , Close Step L to R and pivotturn R , Step R in place
explain travel by r l stevenson
-Nassif A. Dida-agun- XDTouch Step- touch R (cts. 1,2); close R (ct. 3) or touch R (ct. 1);close R (cts. 2,3) - 1 MStep Point- step R (cts. 1,2); point L (ct. 3) or step R (ct. 1);point L (cts. 2,3) - 1 MStep Swing - step R (cts. 1,2); swing L (ct. 3) or step R (ct. 1);swing L (cts. 2,3)Step Hop- step R (cts. 1,2); hop R (ct. 3) - 1 MClose Step- step R (cts. 1,2); close L to R (ct. 3); step R (ct. 1);close L to R (cts. 2,3) - 1 MSlide Step - slide R (cts. 1,2); close L to R (ct. 3) or slide R (ct. 1);close L to R (cts. 2,3) - 1 MBleaking - place R heel (cts. 1,2); close R to L (ct. 3) or place R heel(ct. 1); close R to L (cts. 2,3) - 1 MWaltz - step R (ct. 1); close L to R (ct. 2);step R again (ct. 3) - 1 MThree-step turnstep R (ct. 1) turn and step L (ct. 2);turn and step R (ct. 3); close L to R (ct. 1);pause (cts. 2,3) - 2 MNote: These steps can be done in place or while moving. It can also be done starting with the L foot.All Sway Balance - The first step is usually done obliquely forward, cts. 1,2, the cross-step is done sideward (ct. 3). The succeeding step is done obliquely backward (ct. 2) and the last two counts are done infront, in place. Arms open from the first position to the fourth position R or L arms high. Kumintang R (L) hand when pointing with L (R) foot on cts. 2,3 of the second measure.Sway balance with a pointstep R, cross step L/step R, point L// 2M1, 2 3 1 2, 3Sway balance with a brushstep R, cross stepL/step R, brush L// 2M1, 2 3 1 2, 3Sway balance with a closestep R, cross stepL/step R, close L// 2M1, 2 3 1 2, 3Sway balance with a hopstep R, cross stepL/step R, raise L, hop// 2M1, 2 3 1 2, 3Sway balance with a raisestep R, cross stepL/step R, raise L// 2M1, 2 3 1 2, 3Sway balance with a waltzstep R, cross stepL/step R, close L, step R// 2M1, 2 3 1 2 3
hes wife Jane Waldhorn
1959 because she is 54 right now 2013
"Fear Street" is the name of a book series by R. L. Stine. It is not real, and it simply a work of fiction.
R-Truth's real name is Ron Killings.
Right-r left-l r-r-l-l r-r-l-l r-r-l-l r-r-l-l r-r-l-l r-r-l-l r-r-l-l or l-l-r-r l-l-r-r l-l-r-r l-l-r-r l-l-r-r l-l-r-r l-l-r-r Do this on a 4 count. i say in my head " one-E-and-A two-E-and-A" and so on.
G: Ghost I: In R: Real L: Life
Edward R Murrows real name is Egbert Roscoe Murrow. He started going by the name "Ed" in college.
L,L,L,D,R,U,R,R,D,D,D,L,D,D,L,L,U,L,U,R,L,L,L,D,R,U,R,R,D,D,R,R,U,U,R,U,U,U, L,L,L,D,D,D,L,L,L,U,U,R,R,L,L,D,D,R,R,R,U,U,R,U,R,R,D,D,D,L,D,D,L,L,U,U,L,L,L, U,U,R,R,R,R,R,U,R,D,L,L,L,L,L,L,D,D,R,R,R,D,D,R,R,U,U,L,L,L,L,D,L,U,D,R,R.
R. L. Stine has been married to Jane Waldhorn since 1969.
His real name is... r u ready for it? ... Laurent
Ron Killings...... seriously that's his real name.
g-Ghost i-In r-Real l-Life