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Melodies can be found in every song of an Opera. Most likely these melodies are called character arias or recitatives.

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Q: What is an air or melody in an opera especially for solo voice?
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Related questions

Do aria and melody mean the same thing?

No. Aria is an opera solo sung by a single voice. Melody is the main line of a tune, with which another voice can harmonize. An aria contains a melody, but a melody is not necessarily an opera aria.

Is an aria sung?

An aria is a term usually used to describe a musical piece written for a solo voice, with or without accompaniment, most often found in operas. In opera, an aria is a solo vocal piece - also an "air" or "melody."

Is musical melody voice or music?

In a vocal solo, the voice is the melody.

What is a solo melody called?

In opera an aria

What is the difference between an aria and a solo?

There is no difference. In opera, when a character sings a melody by him or herself, it is called an aria, the Italian word for "air".

What is A sung song is called?

It's called an 'aria'..........aria n. A solo vocal piece with instrumental accompaniment, as in an Opera. Anair; a melody.

What is the aria of an opera?

An extended opera solo

Opera component is a solo performance?

Solo performances in opera are called arias from the Italian word for "air".

What is an auria?

Auria is a family surname, I believe it's Italian. If you are referring to an Aria, (pronounced the same way) it's an elaborate melody sung as a solo with accompaniment, like in an opera or oratorio.

What is 'the solo melody' in Irish?

an séis aonair

What do you play instead of a melody on the drum kit?


The name for a song sung in an opera?

An operatic song is called an aria. This is a solo song that is a self contained piece that can be with or without instrumental music.