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fine art

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Q: What is art that is valued for it's succces in communicating beauty feelings or ideas?
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Related questions

What art is valued for its success in communicating beauty or feelings?

Fine Art.

What art is valued for its success in communicating beauty feelings or ideas?

All forms of art are intended to communicate beauty, feelings, or ideas. Writing, painting, dancing, singing, all do those things.

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What view of the world did the Romantics value?

The Romantics had a wonderful view on the world and it's value. These Romantics valued love and emotion in the world.

What types of behaviour shows that children's ideas and feelings are not valued?

Ignoring their input, dismissing their opinions, not acknowledging their emotions, and not including them in decision-making processes can all indicate that children's ideas and feelings are not valued.

In the sentence The ancient Greeks valued beauty. what word is the noun?

Ancient Greeks

What value did the Heian society place on beauty and fashion?

Heian society equated beauty with goodness.

Why did the Ancient Greeks value beauty?

They valued beauty because if they weren't beautiful, then no one would like them. Painters ONLY did paintings of beautyhope this helped:)

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How did the ideals of vocal beauty expand over the course of the 20th century?

The ideals of vocal beauty certainly expanded over the course of the 20th century. It was then that depth was truly valued.

How did Philosophy develop in Greece?

the citizens of greek city states such as Athens had strong patriotic feelings and valued there freedom