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Lady C is certain that Romeo deserves death. But this is not because she has a sense of justice; it is only because Tybalt was her close relative and she wants revenge. She makes up a bunch of lies to try to persuade the Prince to carry out her revenge for her. When he does not, she determines to do it privately, and even brags to Juliet about it.

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He doesn't suggest any punishment. He appears to be working towards an argument to have Romeo released as having carried out the law's sentence on Tybalt. But the Prince doesn't give him a chance to develop his argument; he sees where he is going and decrees a punishment less than what Capulet wants but more than what Montague is going to suggest.

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Mercutio is not the Prince, although he is related to him. The Prince's name is Escalus. He sentences Romeo to be banished from Verona for killing Tybalt in a street fight. Some consideration was given for the fact that Tybalt deserved to die because he killed Mercutio.

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Friar Lawrence is of the view that Romeo got off lucky. At the very least, he encourages Romeo to count his blessings, since the Prince might well have sentenced him to death.

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Q: What is friar lawence's opinion of Romeo's punishment?
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