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Q: What is interactive system in operating system?
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Properties of Interactive operating system?

An operating system that allows users to run interactive programs. Pretty much all operating systems that are on PCs are interactive OS's

Distinguish between multiprogramming operating system and time sharing operating system?

time sharing operating system is user interactive, but multiprogramming operating system need not be user interactive

What is usually the critical performance requirement in an interactive operating system?

Response Time

Essential properties of Interactive operating system?

The system must process data immediately, and cannot wait like a batch OS would

Two basic types of operating system are A sequential and direct B batch and time sharing C direct and interactive D batch and interactive?

batch and time sharing

What is Hybrid system in operating system examples?

A combination of batch and interactive system.It let individual user can access the system and get more faster responses but actually accepts and runs batch programs in background when the interactive load is light. written by DraGonCC

What is process interaction in operating system?

Accepting input from a human. Interactive computer systems are programs that allow users to enter data or commands. Most popular programs, such as word processors and spreadsheet applications, are interactive.

Who design interactive system?

list down some design issues in developing an interactive system?

Is Windows 95 an operating system or an operating environment?

XP is a complete operating system, not simply an operating environment.

Explain all types of operating system with diagram?

There are basically four types of operating systems. They include Batch Operating System, Multiprogramming Operating System, Network Operating System and Distributed Operating System.

What are 5 Classification of each operating system?

1. BATCH PROCESSING operating system 2. MULTIPROGRAMMING operating system 3. TIME SHARING operating system 4. REAL TIME operating system 5. DISTRIBUTED operating system

What is operating system and what is the uses of operating system?

An operating system manages the working operation of a computer