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Q: What is is the meaning of the dance word stimulus?
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What is stimulus in dance?

its a stimulus is like an emoction!

What does stimulus mean in dance?

in dance, a stimulus is something that inspires you to chreograph a certain dance, for example;- - Event - Music - Mood - Poem

What does an tactile stimulus mean in dance?

A stimulus based on a movement.

What does the word stimulus in dance form mean?

A stimulus can be something visual, auditorial, tactile, ideational and kinaesthetic for eg. the roughness of a jumper, which will assist you by giving you an ideal perception for your intent and movement when composing a dance :) i owned the last answer woot woot!

What is is the meaning of the dance word travel?

TO move across the floor.

Sentence with the word stimulus?

Stimuli is the plural of "stimulus," and would be defined as: something that affects another thing, or causes a reaction to that other "thing" An example of "stimuli" in a sentence would be: "The use of various stimuli in the experiment were observed to cause pain reactions in the test subjects."

What is aural in dance?

Auditory stimulus is sounds that are heard. The auditory stimulus for dance is the music, and includes percussion instrument sounds, human voice sounds, and nature or environmental sounds.

The term Disco originally came from what word?

It comes from the word Dicoplal another word meaning to dance

What does perservation?

Perservative is derived from the word perseverate meaning "repeat a response after the cessation of the original stimulus." Syed Noor

What is stimula?

There is no such word as "stimulae." The word is "stimulus," and the plural is "stimuli."

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What is the meaning of the African Luhya word Tsimbi?

Tsimbi is a Luhya word that refers to a traditional Luhya dance. It is a joyful, energetic dance accompanied by rhythmic music and singing.