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McCarthyism occurred after WWII when people were afraid of the communist menace. At McCarthy's senate hearings and the House on Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), peoples lives were ruined because they were accused of being communists without proof. They lost their jobs and were unable to find work elsewhere. Some wee driven to suicide. Miller allows the audience to draw a parallel between the accusations of the girls and the unsubstantiated allegations that ruined lives made by McCarthy and HUAC.

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Q: What is mccarthyism the crucible?
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What historical event is The Crucible about?


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The Crucible

How was the Arthur Miller play The Crucible effected by the McCarthyism and the political climit of 1950's America?

mccarthyism=witchcraft=the crucible!! am studyin it gcse lol x

How did the political events of the 1950s influence the writing of The Crucible?


Difference between mcCarthyism and The Crucible?

People were judged by how they acted or what they looked like.

Salem Witch Trials and The Crucible?

The Crucible is a play by Arthur Miller in which he mangled facts and theories about the trials to create an allegory to McCarthyism in the 1950s.

What is a similarity between the Salem witchcraft trials and The Crucible by Arthur Miller?

The Crucible tells about the Salem panic using facts that make the panic into a close parallel with McCarthyism.

How is the crucible an allegory play?

yes, in fact it is. The Crubible is an allegory to McCarthyism, how people were accused, in this case people accused for whichcraft and lacked knowledge to believe they were true. You see this in McCarthyism, aslo.

When did miller begin writing The Crucible by Arthur Miller?

As Cold War paranoia pervaded the country, Miller penned his third major play, The Crucible (1953), as a response to 1950s McCarthyism. :)

Why would Arthur miller title a play based on the Salem witch trials The Crucible by Arthur Miller?

Miller was trying to make an allegory to McCarthyism. The Salem witchcraft scare was easy to manipulate to create the result he wanted and was distant enough from McCarthyism he could talk his way out of a sedition lawsuit or being called out as a communist.

How are the Salem witch trails related to The Crucible by Arthur Miller?

The correct way to phrase the question is "How is the Crucible related to the Salem Witch Trials." More important and/or older event first. The Crucible is a play that mangles facts and theories about the trials to create an allegory to 1950s McCarthyism.

Why was Miller was motivated to write the crucible?

The whole play was a metaphor for mass hysteria and intolerance. Miller wrote it to denounce McCarthyism in the US (anti-Communist witch hunt).