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He remembers that he had killed someone at the same place.

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Q: What is oedipus reaction to hearing that laios was killed in a place where three highways met?
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What is oedipus's reaction to hearing that Laios was killed in a place where three highways met?

He remembers that he had killed someone at the same place.

What son killed his father in 'Oedipus Rex'?

Oepidus killed his father. Oedipus did.

Who was laius in Oedipus Rex?

Laius was the father of Oedipus who Oedipus killed.

When the play Oedipus Rex begins is Oedipus's father alive?

No he is dead. Oedipus killed him

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Oedipus' father died when Oedipus himself killed him at the Triple Crossroad, when Laïos (his father) cut off Oedipus. In the first sign of "road rage," Oedipus killed Laïos, and all his men but one, who escaped.

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When did Oedipus father die?

Oedipus' father died when Oedipus himself killed him at the Triple Crossroad, when Laïos (his father) cut off Oedipus. In the first sign of "road rage," Oedipus killed Laïos, and all his men but one, who escaped.

What makes Oedipus suspect he killed Laius?

Oedipus remembers meeting a man at a place where three roads meet, and killing him there. When he finds out that Laius was killed by a man at a three-way crossroad, Oedipus suspects that he killed him.

Who is Oedipus's father?

Liaus the previous King of Thebes that Oedipus actually killed

What was oedipus' misfortune?

Oedipus' misfortune was that he killed his own father, and slept with his mother.

Who is rumored to have killed Laius?


Who killed Laius in Oedipus?

Oedipus did, but he didn't realize it was Laius. Also, no one knew it was Oedipus until towards the end.