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stage makeup is what u were if you are in a play/musical/dance, pretty much any kind of theatrical arts, your director shoould instructor should teach you how to properly were stage makeup, but if he doesn't, basically all it is is: heavy BLACK eyeshadow, lots of blush (only if there are bright lights), heavy eyeshadow, and bright lipgloss (heavy) It depend on the play u'r doing on the colors of the makeup

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Q: What is stage makeup?
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What is the makeup called in drama?

"Stage" makeup.

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Stage Makeup?

Who wear heavy makeup and wear light makeup in drama?

Stage requires heavier makeup as well as TV (due to the stage lights), where as film can be lighter. Although this does not cover the dramatic or face altering character makeup.

About makeup in drama?

When performing on a stage you need to wear a lot of makeup because the lights wash your face out. It is used to enhance your features on stage.

Who used stage makeup first?

The mesopatanians

What is cat's talent on victorious?

Acting, singing, and stage makeup.

Why do actors wear stage makeup?

Noramlly its to make them look flawless. They don't want your imperfections to show on camera or on the stage. Actors also wear stage makeup because from the audience their faces can look washed out, especially under bright lights. The makeup is then used to make certain features such as lips and eyes stand out so from the audience, they look like a normal person. Stage makeup can also be used to transform a person into something else, such as an animal, an old person, etc.

What are some quality brands of white theatrical makeup?

Featuring professional, high quality makeup for professionals, makeup artists, stage, theater, special effects, stage blood and also everyday beauty that stays on and vibrant. is your online shopping source for makeup that is high quality, hypo-allergenic, long Lasting and concealers that really work.

What is stage makeup called?

Stage make-up is always over exaggerated and bold so it can be seen when one is preforming on stage and normal make-up like you would use everyday, a little bit of foundation, eyeliner and mascara. But you use the same make-up to do both, stage make-up it is just a lot of make-up.

Why do actors wear makeup?

Noramlly its to make them look flawless. They don't want your imperfections to show on camera or on the stage. Actors also wear stage makeup because from the audience their faces can look washed out, especially under bright lights. The makeup is then used to make certain features such as lips and eyes stand out so from the audience, they look like a normal person. Stage makeup can also be used to transform a person into something else, such as an animal, an old person, etc.

What makeup did the ancient Greeks wear?

Rather than wearing stage makeup, the actors wore larger-than-lifesize masks painted to resemble human faces.

Where could a person buy stage makeup?

You can find many makeup stores online but they will usually have minimum amounts or high shipping so you may be better off buying locally. Just find your local stage makeup shops and buy from them or ask someone if they have extra for now then maybe split an order with them online or find where they buy.