To answer this question we need the centuries. "Th" is not a word or number.
.th was created in 1988.
It is an abbreviation, usually for the word "in". That's usually pretty easy to figure out: if someone says that they read it i' th' book, it isn't hard to get what he's trying to say.
it is th moon that is come it is th moon that is come
The Meaning of pikaia means primitive chordate.
Enchant your sword with aquamarines and it will be easy but espect some restarts !!
communication is imporatant in every espect of life.
50 th anniversary
Augustinian; as, Austin friars.
That which is contained; the extent; the substance.
Pomp, show, or festivity.
from the white fields
the feeling of expecting something
i dont really know but i espect 200 me dont know Raaaahhhh!!!!!