

Best Answer

Made up of cells

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Q: What is the best description of tissue?
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What is the best description for tissue?

The best description for tissue is to blow your nose

What is a combination of cells having the same function?

This is a description of a tissue.

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a discription of a cauterization is treating tissue with heat.

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What is the best description?

The best description is one that uses vivid words to tell about a person, place, or thing.

What is the best definition for tissue?

Tissue is a group of organ joined together.

What is a description of a Golgi apparatus?

It looks like that.We all have our own description of things you know,it has curvy layers of tissue that is use to send messages through from the nuclei

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An inflammatory disorder in which muscle tissue becomes inflamed and deteriorates, causing weakness and pain.

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The best description of the government created under the constitution is that it was a federal republic.

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What does Deep Tissue means?

Deep Tissue Massage - Description of the tissues beneath superficial structures which are being treated and not the techniques employed. This term is commonly misused to describe a specific technique.