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whne elaine see lysandra with brett dancing

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Q: What is the climax in lysandras poem?
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What is a trait that lysandra had in the story lysandras poem?

Well, she was shy but secretly brilliant.

Lysandras poem what did lysandra enjoy writing?

Yeah, she liked writing. It let her escape from the world for a time and pour out the person she really was...

What is the climax of this poem?

The climax of a poem is the turning point or moment of greatest tension and emotion. It is typically where the conflict or theme of the poem is most intensely expressed.

What is the climax of the poem Casey at the Bat?

The climax of the poem comes with the last line. "The great casey has struck out." The whole poem is a build-up to this ending, very much like a batter turn at plate in a base-ball game.

What is the climax of the poem cacey at the bat?

The climax of the poem "Casey at the Bat" comes when Casey strikes out, letting down his team and the crowd. This moment is a turning point in the poem as it reveals Casey's fall from grace and his inability to live up to the expectations placed upon him.

What is the climax of the story My name is Nobody?

The climax in this short poem would probably be when the speaker says are you nobody too. And could you be in my Honor Langauge Arts class? Just curious.

What line is the climax of the poem a bird came down?

The climax of "A bird came down the walk" by Emily Dickinson can be considered to be when the bird allows the speaker to feed it from her hand, showing a moment of intimacy and connection between the wild bird and the human observer. This scene represents a peak moment of interaction and wonder in the poem.

What is the climax of the lord randal?

In the ballad "Lord Randal," the climax occurs when Lord Randal reveals to his mother that he has been poisoned by his lover. This revelation is a turning point in the poem as it reveals the true intentions of the lover and the tragic fate of Lord Randal.

What line marks the climax of the narrative poem The Eve of St. Agnes.?

The climax of "The Eve of St. Agnes" occurs when Madeline and Porphyro are reunited and escape from her family's castle. This moment marks the pinnacle of their love and the resolution of the conflicts that have kept them apart.

Climax of the Jose Rizal movie?

climax is the climax of the climax and the climax or the climax

What is the climax like in Haiku?

In a Haiku, the climax is often found in the third line, where there is a shift in perspective or a juxtaposition of images that creates a moment of realization or insight for the reader. This moment of heightened tension or emotion is where the poem reaches its peak before resolving in the final line.

What is the key moment in a story?

the climax of the story