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The Oedipus Complex goes back to the Greek tale of Oedipus Rex, in which the title character kills his father and marries his mother. The complex is a psychological theory that explains how children are more likely to be attracted to their parent of the opposite sex (i.e. boys love their mothers and girls love their fathers). I believe it was created by Sigmund Freud in order to help explain sexuality.

Another PerspectiveI agree that the story of Oedipus Rex is the source of the "Oedipus Complex", but there is a bit of a different slant than this. (I don't remember that he killed his father or married his mother.) The complex capitalizes on the forbidden sex between a mother and her son. Even in the time of Oedipus, that was a forbidden love/sex. Freud may have enhanced the idea to include fathers having forbidden sex with their daughters, and probably other ideas associated with that sort of sexual attraction.

I strongly recommend that you look this up in a Greek Mythology book. Read as much of the Greek and Roman myths as you can, if you want to learn where a great many of our present myths and stories came from! Where do you think the name Adonis came from, when you hear someone call a handsome man by that name? The Odessy, the Illead, and the Aenead have great reading material, and many of the names you have very probably heard come from these stories. The story of the Trojan Horse, Helen of Troy, Paris, Hector, and Kings Menelaus and Agamemnon is tragic but great reading. We learned a really good lesson from that tale. ("Beware of Greeks bearing gifts." That refers to the horse.)

Don't trust me or the person ahead of me for the answer to your question. You really should look it up for yourself. Hopefully, we have given you some good information to help you go straight to the correct source!

Cathy Williams

AnswerThe Oedipus Cycle does indeed include Oedipus killing his father and marrying his mother. It was a typical Greek tragedy. Here is a link to more information:

Here is more information about the Oedipus Complex as well:

You are so wrong Oedipus DID kill his father check your own site nd he DID wed his mother. I got

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Q: What is the concept behind the Oedipus complex?
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The Oedipus complex comes from the ancient Greek play Oedipus. Dr. Sigmund Freud named this condition after one of the key meanings in the play. In Oedipus, the main character (oedipus himself) kills his father and marries his mother. The meaning of the Oedipus complex is a boy's natural sexual feelings for his own mother. This is shown at birth and in normal human behavior, is broken up after years of aging. If not, there's a problem-- Oedipus Complex.

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What psychological term was named after Oedipus?

The Oedipus complex.

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What is a term psychologists use for a complex characterized by a child falling in love with the parent of the opposite sex named after a Greek youth who married his mother?

Oedipus complex and it was termed by Sigmond Freud

What other thinks about the Oedipus complex?

Oedipus complex is totally misinterpreted by Freud based on the play Oedipus Rex that he saw and based his theory on and got it all wrong!

What was the society conflict in your Oedipus Complex?

There are a great many things that society dislikes about your Oedipus Complex. This is not a normal habit in society.

What is the story behind the Oedipus complex?

Sigmund Freud used the name The Oedipus complex to explain the origin of certain neuroses in childhood. It is defined as a male child's unconscious desire for the exclusive love of his mother. This desire includes jealousy towards the father and the unconscious wish for that parent's death

What is the Oedipus complex mean?

The Oedipus complex is the attraction to your parent of the opposite sex and the hatred of your parent of the same sex. Oedipus Rex killed his father and married his mother. (In his defense, he didn't know they were his parents.)

Does Oedipus complex exist?

Yes, According to Sigmund Freud that made the Oedipus complex theory which states that a boy's desire to replace his father and have the affections of his mother.