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Q: What is the dance step called when you walk forward for four counts with attitude and each step is done on the beat?
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How do you do bus stop dance?

This dance is in a 4-count... *Take 4 steps backwards; clap. *Take 4 steps forward; clap. *Grapevine to the right; clap. (4 counts) *Grapevine to the left; clap. (4 counts) *Right heel forward. *Left heel forward. *2 Heel clicks. (4 counts) *Right heel forward. *Left heel forward. *Right foot front. *Right foot back. *Right foot to the right side. *Lift right leg while quarter- turning left. *<Repeat> :]

How do you do the bus stop dance?

This dance is in a 4-count... *Take 4 steps backwards; clap. *Take 4 steps forward; clap. *Grapevine to the right; clap. (4 counts) *Grapevine to the left; clap. (4 counts) *Right heel forward. *Left heel forward. *2 Heel clicks. (4 counts) *Right heel forward. *Left heel forward. *Right foot front. *Right foot back. *Right foot to the right side. *Lift right leg while quarter- turning left. *<Repeat> :]

Is there a turn in dance called an attitude turn?

Yes. It is when you are on one leg and the one behind you is in the air and bent

How is maths related with dance?

The counting I think. Like 8 counts

What do you say while you dance?

What you say while you dance is pretty much whatever you want. You could be singing, as in musical theater dance, saying counts (numerical counts of the beats of the music), you could be speaking to another dancer, covertly of course, or any number of things.

How does dance enhances musicality?

Dance and music go together. You dance to the counts and measures of the music, so you have to learn how to count music, and be able to tell when the tempo changes.

How do you make a sentence with home coming dance?

Janet was looking forward to the home coming dance

What qualifies as a rally on Dance Dance Revolution Disney Grooves for Wii and how does it differ from a combo?

Every time you hit the foot pong it counts as a rally

What type of people dance jazz?

Well people who like upbeat happy music and like to dance with attitude and spunk! When you dance jazz you have a bounce in your step and smile a lot!

What is tswana dance called?

what is the tswana dance called

Are you allowed to have lifts in the dance waltz?

Yes,however they should be minimal(not that many) and the ones that you do have in your dance should be simple and far apart(at least 16 counts apart).

What is the name of African dance?

I am from Nigeria and it is in Africa the dance is called the marahab